I was a teacher when I had testicular cancer in 1995. Since then, I explained the risk of testicular cancer every year in class to make the boys aware. Jan, a former student of mine invited me for coffee in 2006 just to say thank you. He said to me: because you made us aware I went to the doctor in time. I’ve got testicular cancer too. I’m 16 and you saved my life.
(Torsten – this is the reason I’ve started Love your Nuts. I realised by just talking balls I’m saving lives)
Supporting recently with testicular cancer diagnosed guys is a way to help them cope on their emotional roller coaster journey. As a cancer patient one often has thoughts that you don’t want to or can’t share with family and friends. Cancer, unfortunately, is often seen as a death sentence – so obviously the thoughts are driving you nuts. Talking to a survivor makes the journey easier. You can say what you think, talk about your fears, and allow your emotions. A survivor can relate to that because he has “been there” and can share tips and encourage patients not to give up. Talking to someone that survived is encouraging and gives hope! See WhatsApp response below.

Because of these guys running in #loveyournuts swimwear at the Cape Town Marathon, a guy saw the above photos on Facebook. Via the Love your Nuts Facebook page he visited our website and watched the video clips. He felt a lump and went to the doctor immediately. Just surgery and no chemotherapy needed. Thanks to early detection!
See WhatsApp message below.

Hi Torsten,
We met at last year’s Nuts and Bolts Rally… I had a very bad end to 2016. I was diagnosed with TC (I know….what a coincidence right…) and my orchidectomy was done a week before Christmas.
I am blessed that I caught it in the early stages and my CT scans came back clean. My biopsy of the remaining testicle also came back clean. I have an appointment with the oncologist next week on Tuesday. I was wondering if we can meet up for coffee because I am really in the need of some guidance and advice. I am grateful that I attended last year’s rally, especially the information session the weekend before where you shared some information about TC and how to check yourself. Who knows, if I did not attend that session, I probably would not have taken the situation seriously and cancer could have spread.
Thank you so much for the great work you do. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Rikus (on the left)

Torsten, thanks so so much for your talk the other night [Pecha Kutcha – Cape Town]. It was my favourite of the evening as it was funny – but delivered such an important message. I decided to go for a check-up because of it and my GP found two cysts Going to have a scan done at the urologist on Monday. He doesn’t think that they’re cancerous but it’s still quite frightening. I am so grateful for your reminder and so just wanted to pass along my gratitude. Kindly, Ian
Hi Torsten I’m happy to report that I got all clear today Dr Trevor Borchers confirmed with scans that the lumps are purely cystic and not to be worried about. I must admit that I was terrified, and the weekend was suuuuuper long. I’m hugely grateful to have experienced your talk and had this sorted out. Yours with appreciation, Ian