Any fantesticle amount helps us to change a man’s behaviour one nut at a time.

Your donation, whether big or small, helps us to educate young men (and women) about the importance of early detection of cancer. It is only through donations like yours that we can be fantesticle and raise awareness of this young man’s cancer. Thank you for that!

Please note: If you are a company that like to donate, we are a registered Section 18A, non-profit organisation and can issue tax certificates. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Make a donation by credit, debit card or EFT by supporting our fundraisers or join as a fundraiser too.
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Make a donation by credit, debit card or EFT
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Make a donation via your smartphone 
(Snapscan app must be installed) 

Make a donation via PayPal
(Link will open in a new secure window) 

Make a donation via EFT 
Please use your name/company name as reference and send proof of payment to
Account: Love Your Nuts Foundation Trust
Account Number: 62744805328
Branch Code: 210651
Branch name: Portside
Bank: First National Bank
Account Type: Cheque