Invite us for your Health Day

In a humorous way we make the staff of your company aware of this young man’s cancer – most common in the age group 15 to 45. Feel free to contact us about options how you and/or your staff can get involved.

Thank you for your ongoing fantesticle support!

Losing a ball is tough enough – don’t lose your fertility along with it. Wijnland Fertility Clinic specializes in offering fertility preservation options (sperm freezing) to cancer patients who need to undergo cancer treatments that can cause infertility. Speak to us before you start your cancer treatment to understand your options. You might have to go ball-less, but not childless. For more information visit the Wijnlanden Fertility website

We are proud to be an official charity of the Cape Town Marathon!
Raise awareness for testicular cancer and funds for Love Your Nuts. Join the Nuts Team and be part of the fun!
For more information visit the Cape Town Marathon website 

Bald is beautiful but when chemotherapy is the reason it is often uncomfortable and not nice to look at it – especially in the mirror. We partnered with CompassionHat who produces a range of hats for ladies and gents. A fantesticle hat for every occasion looks often more beautiful than a wig. And the hats are not for cancer patients only! For more information visit the CompassionHat website.

Many things in life are worth protecting! Of those your health and IP are just two!
For more information visit the GERNTHOLTZ website.

Why Montagu. Because WE CARE. We Inspire better choices and offer great tasting, healthier snack options for people who want to live better.
For more information visit the Montagu website.

Passionate about law and committed to quality of service.
The power to question is the basis of all human progress.
For more information visit the Springer & Nel website.

urban espresso is a boutique PR agency with a passion for doing PR, differently. They are also advocates for driving awareness of early detection, and kicking cancer in the nuts.
For more information visit the urban espresso website